Venelin Alaikov MT - 2013 |
- Section A: S#3-7 without any fairy pieces or conditions. Theme free. Judge: Diyan Kostadinov
- Section B: H#2-3 or HS#2-3 with fairy piece Andernach Grasshopper (AG). White, black, neutral AG are allowed, but other fairy pieces or conditions are not accepted. Judge: Krassimir Gandev
Andernach Grasshopper - Like a normal Grasshopper (moves along Queen-lines over another unit of either colour to the square immediately beyond that unit) but it changes colour of the piece it jumps over (except the Kings and the neutral pieces). EXAMPLE: Krassimir Gandev Strate Gems 2011 h#2 4 solutions (1+15) c3, e8, f8, g6 - Andernach Grasshoppers
1.AGa1(wPb2) b3 2.AGg8 (wAGf8) AGh8 (wAGg8)# 1.AGc1 (wPc2) c3 2.AGd8(wAGe8) AGc8 (wAGd8)# 1.AGc6(wBc5) Kb6 2.AGd8 (wAGe8) AGb5 (wAGc6)# 1.AGg3 (wSf3) Sd2 2.AGg7 (wAGg6) AGd3 (wQe4)#
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