(18.08.2014) Longmover selfmate by Alexey Oganesyan. Selfmates with similar bP play are known, but the wK trip with switchback looks new fresh element in the mechanism.
Nice! Of course he used this King moves before kobulchess.com/.../... He has nicely developed into switchbacks! Welldone! But, are there 5 switchbacks? I cound 4!
is there a good reason for the first two moves? There are so many threats by black that it is obvious that the two free black pieces need to be pinned. I would avoid to include them even though the order is unique. I think that the first two white moves restrain black in a very harsh way.
Yes, initially I had a version with Qe2 as a first move. I thought long and decided to enrich a content of the problem by adding a thematic try 1.Bb6+. Also I would like to wR and wB move too, because I didn't like that only wK moved in the solution. So, that is why I still prefer this version. But another composer can have another opinion, it's perfectly normal in this case :)
He has nicely developed into switchbacks! Welldone! But, are there 5 switchbacks? I cound 4!
is there a good reason for the first two moves?
There are so many threats by black that it is obvious that the two free black pieces need to be pinned. I would avoid to include them even though the order is unique. I think that the first two white moves restrain black in a very harsh way.
I think you are right! It may not be a bad idea to start the problem with 3.Qe2 or 3.Bc5-b6 (with queen placed at e2).
Also I would like to wR and wB move too, because I didn't like that only wK moved in the solution.
So, that is why I still prefer this version. But another composer can have another opinion, it's perfectly normal in this case :)
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