KoBulChess Selfmates 2017 - AWARD |
![]() KoBulChess Selfmates 2017 - AWARD
Judge: Zivko Janevski
During 2017 in KobulChess IT was published 12 originals s#n. The level of the tourney is medium. My main criteria in judging were originality, complexity, economy, and the overall artistic effect. I proposal following ranking.
1st Prize – no.872 Aleksandr Azhusin: A setting of difficult task of 3X2 White battery creations and 3 different mates by the same BTa2 in a well constructed position. 1.Le6![2.Ld5+ Kd7: 3.Td8+! Kd8: 4.Lc6+ Kc8 5.Ld7+ Kd8 6.Lb5+ Kc8 7.La6:+ Ta6:#], 1.- a5! 2.Lg3![3.Td6+ Kc7 4.Td5+ Kc6 5.Se5+ Kc7 6.Sc4+ Kc6 7.Sa5:+ Ta5:#], 2.- a4! 3.Se5+ Kc7(Kc5:) 4.Sd3+ Kc6 5.Ld5+ Kd7 6.Lb3+ Kc6 7.La4:+ Ta4:#.
2nd Prize – no.884 Sergej Smotrow: Direct logical combination in a well constructed position without white pawns. 1.Se5+? fe5 2.Kf7!, 1.Ld5+? Td5:!; 1.Dc5+ Kb7 2.Lc8+ Kb8 3.Sd5+ Ka8 4.Ld7+ Kb7 5.Db4+ Ka6 6.Lb5+ Kb7 7.Ld3:+! Kc6 8.Dc5+ Kb7 9.Sd8+! Ka8 10.Sc7+ Kb8 11.Sf7+ Kb7 12.Db4+ Kc6 13.Lb5+ K~ 14.Lc4+ Kc6 and main plane 15.Ld5+ Ld5: 16.Se5+ fe5#.
![]() 1st Honourable Mention – no.800 Kalyan Seetharman & Nallusamy Velmurugan. Presentation of 3x1 & 2x1 White changed continuations of black battery creation ( 1.- Sc6:/Tc6:) on the same square with capture of the WDc6 in an economical position.* 1.- Sc6: 2.e8D+ (e8T+?) Sd8#, 1.- Tc6: 2.Sb6+ (Sd6+?) Tb6:#;1.Sf8?[2.Db7+ Lb7:#] Sd5!, 1.- Sc6: 2.e8T!(e8D?) Sd8#, 1.- Tc6: 2.Sd6+ Td6:#; 1.e8L![2.Db7+ Lb7:#] 1.- Sc6: 2.Se7+ Se7:#, 1.- Tc6: 2.Sd6+ (Sb6+?) Td6:#, 1.- Sd5 2.Sb6+ Sb6:#. 2nd Honourable Mention – no.828 R. Phani Bushanan, Kalyan Seetharman: Presentation of Dentist theme with two pairs of thematically connected variations in a well constructed position. 1.c5!(2.Dc4+ Tc4:#), 1.- Sd4: 2.Tc6+ Sc6:#, 1.- Ld4: 2.Tf6:+ Lf6:#, 1.- Lf4 2.Dd6+ Ld6:#, 1.- Sg4 2.Df6:+ Sf6:#, 1.- Sf4 2.Dd3+ Sd3:#
1st Commendation – no.868 Valery Kopyl & Gennady Kozyura: Transferred pin of the initially pined BP with changed functions of the white moves, changed white continuations and two different model mates by capture of the white pinning piece in an economical Meredith position. * 1.- fe5(a) 2.Tf8(A) e4 3.Tf4 e3 4.Dc1+ Tb2 5.Da1+ Ta2 6.Ke1 Ta1:#; 1.Tf2(B)? fe5!(a), 1.- f5(b) 2.Tb8(C) f4 3.g4 f3 4.Dc3+ Tb3 5.Lf4 Tc3: 6.Lc1+ Tc1:#; 1.Tb8!(C), 1.- f5(b) 2.Tf2(B) f4 3.g4 f3 4.Dc3+ Tb3 5.Lf4 Tc3: 6.Lc1+ Tc1:#, 1.- fe5(a) 2.Tf8(A) e4 3.Tf4 e3 4.Dc1+ Tb2 5.Da1+ Ta2 6.Ke1 Ta1:#. 2nd Commendation – no.845 Gennady Kozyura: An interesting presentation of the black arrival correction on the square f4 and white play on the same squares d6, e8 and d5 in three pairs of the thematically connected variations. 1.Se5?(2.Dd5+ Ke7+ 3.Dd6+ Td6:#) Lb4:!; 1.Sh8!(2.Dc8+ Ke7+ 3.Ld6+ Td6:#), 1.- Lf4: 2.d5+ Ke5 3.Dd6+ Td6:#, 1.- Sf4:! 2.Tf6+ Tf6: 3.De7+ Ke7:#, 1.- Lg6 2.Dd5+ Ke7 3.Tae8+ Le8:#, 1.- Lb4: 2.De8+ Le7 3.Lc4+ Tc4:# Gevgelija, 30.04.2018 International Judge of FIDE, Zivko Janevski
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Diyan Kostadinov
Seetharaman Kalyan