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Problem 284: Petr Novitsky - Twomover

petr(30.11.2013) Twomover with rich thematic content. Welcome to Petr Novitsky from Ukraine!


   1.Qe1? (2.Qa1#)

1...e3 2.Qxe3# A, 1…b3  2.Qc3#

1…Sxd5 2.Rxd5#, 1…Se6! a

   1.Qxc5? (2.Qd4#)

1...exd3 2.Qe3# A, 1…Se6 a 2.dxe6#

1…Qa7 2.Qxc7#, 1…Qb6!

   1.Qxg5! (2.Qf4#)

1…exf3 2.Qe3# A, 1…Se6 a 2.fxe6#

1…Sg6 2.fxg6#, 1…Sxd5 2.Rxd5#

Haring theme in three phases, Ruhlis and change of

functions of move 1…Se6, pawns battery mates. (Author) 



+1 #1 seetharaman 2013-11-30 17:51
What is Garing theme? Is there change of function of 1...Se6? I see it only attacking the mating line everytime.
+2 #2 N.Shankar Ram 2013-12-01 08:28
It's the Haring theme..
"switchback of the thematic white pieces on the mating move, in try and real play.."
Haring was a Dutch composer..
See the entry on Haring at chesscomposers.blogspot.in/.../...
+1 #3 seetharaman 2013-12-01 18:16
Thanks Shankar. I got cofused because of the spelling used. !
0 #4 Diyan Kostadinov 2013-12-01 22:11
Thank you Seetharaman and Shankar Ram. Now the name of the theme is corrected (Haring). I receiving author's comments on many different languages - russian, french, german etc. and sometime it is not so easy to translate them correct on bulgarian and english...
0 #5 Pedro 2013-12-06 01:36
What is the definition of the theme Garing?
0 #6 Diyan Kostadinov 2013-12-06 01:45
Pedro, the correct name is "Haring". See comment n.2 above (by Shankar Ram) for the definition.

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