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Problem 605: Paul Raican - Fairy (Double Maximummer, Chameleon chess)
paul.raican(15.07.2015) Wonderful use of Double Maximummer and Chameleon chess by Paul Raican and three long variations with two pieces play on different squares.
Double Maximummer
Chameleon chess
    Set: 1...Sf3-h2=B 2.Sa2-c1=B Bh2-b8=R 3.Bc1-f4=R+ Kf5-g6 4.Rf4-a4=Q Rb8-b1=Q+ 5.Qa4-d1=S Qb1-b8=S 6.Sd1-e3=B Sb8-d7=B 7.Be3-g1=R Bd7-h3=R#
    Sol: 1.Sa2-c1=B Sf3-d2=B 2.Bc1-a3=R Bd2-a5=R 3.Ra3-h3=Q+ Kf5-e4 4.Qh3-c8=S Ra5-a1=Q+ 5.g2-g1=S Qa1-h8=S 6.Sg1-f3=B+ Ke4xf3 7.Sc8-d6=B Sh8-g6=B 8.Bd6-h2=R Bg6-b1=R#
    1...Sf3-d4=B 2.Bc1-f4=R+ Kf5-e6 3.Rf4-f8=Q Bd4-h8=R+ 4.Qf8-h6=S Rh8-a8=Q   5.Sh6-g8=B+ Qa8xg8=S 6.c5-c4 Sg8-f6=B 7.c4-c3 Bf6xc3=R 8.g2-g1=R Rc3-h3=Q#
Double Maximummer: both sides must play the geometrically longest move or may choose from among longest moves of equal length, distances being measured from the center of each square. Diagonal and oblique distances are measured from the orthogonal coordinates by using Pythagora’s theorem (take the square root of the sum of the squares of the orthogonal distances). All other orthodox chess rules apply.
Chameleon chess: at the completion of every move each piece changes type. The types form a cycle which may theoretically be predefined in any way but is usually taken to be the default option S-B-R-Q-S... Promotion may be to a chameleon at any stage in the cycle.

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