Задача 617 (617.1): Pierre Tritten & Miodrag Mladenovic - Fairy (KoBul Kings) |
(25.10.2015) Фееричен Мередит от Пиер Тритон с правилни матове след трансформации на КоБул Царе.
Добавена е версия 617.1 със съавтор Миодраг Младенович.
1.Bxc2(c3=rS) rSe2 2.Bxb3(e2=rQ) rQxh5(h8=rS)#
1.cxb3(c3=rQ) rQe5 2.bxc2(e5=rS) rSxg6(h8=rB)#
Annihilation of all white force by the same unit in each solution, Durbar, Model mates (Author)
KoBul Kings:when a piece (not a pawn) of his own side is captured, a King transforms into a Royal piece of the same type as the captured one. When the King is in the form of any Royal piece and there is a capture of one of the pawns of his own side, he becomes a normal King again. |
Главен редактор:
Диян Костадинов
Помощник редактор:
Seetharaman Kalyan